GSE-AIESG 2019 Meeting Registration form
The institute, park, agency etc. to which you are affiliated
Your postal address
The title of your presentation or poster
Please provide the list of authors as they should compare in the Abstract book as in the following example: Verdi A., Bianchi B., Gialli C. and Rossi D.
List the affiliations of all authors in the same order as in the authors' list
Please paste here the abstract of your presentation or poster (max. 250 words)
I authorize the Gran Paradiso National Park Agency, in accordance with the rule n. 196 of the D. Lgs. 30 June 2003, (Code regarding the protection of personal data, of the Italian legislation), to insert and conserve all inserted data in a digital or paper archive exclusively for the needs related to the registration to the GSE-AIESG Meeting. The provided email can be used to send further information regarding the meeting and on the activities of the Alpine Ibex European Specialist Group - Gruppo Stambecco Europa. For what concerns your rights please refer to title II of the above mentioned D. Lgs. 196/2003
* Obligatory data